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Sea shanties and sail boats
Sea shanties and sail boats
I am working towards the Completely Coastal exhibition at the Waterside Gallery, Brightlingsea. Starting 18th May until 2nd June. I'll be showing a selection of watercolours inspired by Brightlingsea views, some original hand painted cards and a few 'Sea shanty' inspired assemblages.
I am completely mesmerised by the constantly changing light on the water.Most days I'm down at the harbour, and every day I am in awe of the beauty of the sea and sky.
The sunsets are always magnificent and although they tend to look a bit chocolate boxy in a big painting, I can't help capturing the colours for original hand painted cards.
Long have I admired Arthur Wallis' naive paintings and scrimshaw engravings and have wanted to try some small 3D pieces inspired by these sailors. I've been collecting bags and bags of driftwood over the Winter, all sorts of shapes and sizes. The other day I tipped the whole lot out on the studio floor and sat with all the different bits, until pieces jumped out and I could see how the shapes might lend themselves to an assemblage. Rusty old bits of metal add a different dimension, some looking like birds or boats. Snippets of sea shanties add words and dreams to the pieces. Coast guard cottages, up the coast at Shingle Street (such a wonderful name for a place), nestle in the pebbles against the harsh East wind. All white in the otherwise grey landscape. Brightlingsea's marina development offers a more contemporary silhouette, but still the age old fishing boats, yachts, barges and smacks bob around in the harbour, unaware of passing time.
Have a look at my blog for photos of my work...I can't seem to paste them here !
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