Sam's Art

Sam's Art

sams art

Having loved art at the age of dot I thought I would start to do something about it now. I live in Cornwall and have 2 kids under 5...not much time to mself. There is loads of Art here so finding a neach is very hard, as I have no formal qualifications I am not really in the running for gallery space: there is a massive art collage here and nobody seems to be taken seriously without a degree but hay I am a pioneer at the age of 32, I am female and I am still alive. My husband doesn't believe in me, nor my mum, I also have trouble and give up frequently but way hay my future happiness starts here, with this blog. My life long ambition with become fruitfull, no more blaming others for convinsing me to forget even giving it a chance .. I know what I want and I will I will I will :)
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