Renaissance Airbrushing?

Renaissance Airbrushing?

Renaissance Airbrushing?

RENAISSANCE AIRBRUSHING Why it is probable that the classical painter’s models were not as buxom as they were portrayed. It is known that painters often placed a vertical transparent screen between them and their subject, to assist in achieving the right perspective. They would align points on the body with marks on the screen. However by looking down at the reclining model, vertical dimensions (like waist measurement) would be enhanced because of the angle of view with respect to the angle of the screen. Head to toe dimensions would not be so enhanced because the screen was placed parallel to the line of view. Hence there was disparity between the two apparent images width to length. So that when the finished canvas was viewed normally, verticals, waist, hips etc. would appear out of proportion with the horizontal, head to toe dimension. Or did they do it on purpose?
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