Pop Art

Pop Art

Just Art

Hi I am a 47 year old recovering Interior Designer I have got into painting eighteen months ago. I paint in a Pop Art style, Portraits of family, friends and private commissions. I want to make a living from Art and intend to shape my life to do so. www.flickr.com/photos/pop_art/ www.scotlandsartists.com/pages/artists_detail.php?recordID=137
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Hi Maureen. Well vanity has kicked in. Did any of your student's take a look at my gallery? My Blog here? The Forum here? I would be keen to hear of their comment / constructive critique...

Maureen, what a hassle. Sending lots of healing vibes up to you in the northern hemisphere. Use the time to plan a few future paintings. I just watched a short programme on Sky about acrylicv painting (no hands required). Teaching as I know from personally experience is hard work with two hands let alone one. Take care ~ Anni in NZ

Ouch. I hope your recovery speeds up..Step-up the Vitamin C & Zinc. Perhaps drink even more milk for it's Calcium good for the bones. Good luck for the return to your classes and I hope they gain the level of inspiration & imagination you would like them to have. I was always happy if I could just get one of the flock to think about a topic...Thank you for your inspirational comments too regards PK.