Plein Air and the Press

Plein Air and the Press

Plein Air and the Press

Earlier this week I had a call from the press after one of their photographers had spotted me painting plein air. It appears to be such an unusual sight in an otherwise industrial area. The local press asked me to meet them for an interview. So last Wednesday a reporter and photographer came to my favourite moated castle to have a chat and take pictures of me and my painting. The site which I have chosen is a moated castle in park near my home town. The area used to be the centre of the mining and steel industry. That has all changed now. There are very few of the old industrial complexes left. The air is much cleaner but unemployment is high. To my surprise I also sold a couple of limited edition prints. Something I did not expect to happen in the middle of the week. I am now looking forward to the interview appearing in print. Paintings can be seen on
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