Over the Hill

Over the Hill

Over the Hill

My name is Dave Soutar, I have recently retired. I want to use my free!! time to develop an interest in the world around me by drawing and painting. I have just started going to an art class, to get some instruction. I have not decided on what painting medium to use yet, so any advice and tips would be gratefully received. I will update my blog on my progress and how I am finding retirement and let you have a look at my efforts, once I get started
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Angie, thank you for your comment, and for taking the time to look at website, blog and pictures! I agree this is a very encouraging place to be, and yes, I am learning to deal with people who are negatively critical. It's all good learning :o)

Hi Alison, I really like your website, your pictures, and I like your blog, too. I've followed your posts and sympathised especially when you received comments that put your work down. There'll always be people like that, but it's still unpleasant. That's one of the good things about this site, I find, - there are an awful lot of encouraging people here.

Thanks Dai :o) I will add a few more elements as time goes on, but the feedback so far has been good.

Yey - You unfussed it just fine.