On the Isle of Wight this week?

On the Isle of Wight this week?

On the Isle of Wight this week?

If you are, a group to which I'm privileged to belong, Vectis Artisans (Vectis being the Roman name for the island) is putting on an exhibition at Quarr Abbey, near Ryde, from the 13th to 18th June. I have a few pictures there, but for a variety of reasons not so many as some of the others. I shall rectify this in August, when we have another exhibition in Ryde itself - I shall have a new crop of paintings by then, trying to compete with the quality of my colleagues' work! Needless to say, I shall advise you of the date and venue at the time, shamelessly soliciting your custom. We have a music festival - let me rephrase this; a rock festival - on the island at the moment, so we've not chosen the very best date for our June exhibition; roads are - challenging. But should you be on the east side of the island, sensibly keeping clear of Newport, pop into Quarr Abbey: it's well worth a look in its own right - a working Benedictine Monastery, built in around 1907, and with far more ancient abbey ruins in the grounds. They keep their own pigs, so if you do manage to visit, say hallo to them for me. ....
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