Oh yes! The Local Summer Exhibitions are upon us

Oh yes! The Local Summer Exhibitions are upon us

Oh yes! The Local Summer Exhibitions are upon us

It's all exciting stuff! This week I've framed one or two paintings, also some for my friend too. We have filled in our forms, battled with cellophane rolls to cover unframed work and have had amiable quarrels over just how much to charge for our little "beauties". My friend wants to practically give her paintings away, whereas I want mine to go for millions of pounds. :) We have decided when we shall be stewarding for the show, and we are feeling the ripples of excitement rise. You can keep the Lottery and the Football Pools, this is just so much more exciting, and if we don't sell? Well, there's always next year. :) I hope that you all embrace your local art exhibitions, they are great fun and you meet many interesting people there. Best of luck!
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