Of Sketching and Final Says

Of Sketching and Final Says

When the artwork has its own life.

I cannot retmember a moment when a painting has actually come out step-by-step resembling to what was primarily intended based on the sketch preceding the artwork itself. And, even as I am typing these lines, I am realizing, for myself, that this is hardly important, as long as the IDEA itself has been captured. The admin of one of the Facebook artist groups I am a member of formulated it perfectly, by saying he falls into a semi-meditative state when working on a painting. I know that state well and, whenever I am concerned, this is the most enjoyable part of the creative process. When one teams up with Something Out There and they together have created something. In such semi-meditative states I personally see golden opportunities for learning to Let Go and Trust. I thank the Universe for all the Inspiration! 💖 On the collage - anticlockwise - the creation process of "The Birth of Aphrodite", finished in March 2019
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