OCTOBER ART COURSE in Trujillo SW Spain with Noelle Griffiths

OCTOBER ART COURSE in Trujillo SW Spain with Noelle Griffiths

OCTOBER ART COURSE in Trujillo SW Spain with Noelle Griffiths

I REALISE THAT I did not include a blog about the October course in Trujillo Sout West Spain. Once again we stayed in the beautiful Palacio de Piedras Albas on the main square. We sketched and painted in the gardens of the Palacio as well as in the town. This course concentrated on observational drawing and painting, with a two day painting en plein air near the Moorish castle. 2016 DATES on www.art-paintingholidays-spain.com
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Dear Noelle: This is my first contact with an other painter of the group. I woud like to know about the art painting hollidays. ..and your opinion about it. Best regards Sergio Morales [email protected] from Chile