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New Year Resolution!
New Year Resolution!

A happy new year to one and all. This is my resolution - to blog more often and involve myself into Painters Online. I am now planning a new demonstration for groups and societies focusing on using a sketchbook for inspiration. I will also be tutoring a painting holiday in North Wales in September this year where I hope to provide practical help and guidance when using sketchbooks and how to use them for inspired and resolved paintings.
I have just uploaded some new images of completed artwork - got into trouble for putting too many up!! Sorry, didn't realised it was limited. I just had a day where I updated my website and other portfolio contributions. However, those that did comment seemed to like them. So thank you all.
I have enjoyed exhibiting in 2013 and have more planned for this year. New work that will be exhibited alongside additional illustration of the whole journey from the plein air experience, through the sketchbook and to the finished artwork. Hopefully it will give our visitors a more in-depth experience.
Must dash now, I have a commissioned pastel to finish. TTFN
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