Never Enough Hours...

Never Enough Hours...

Never Enough Hours...

Always seem to take on too much at one time, tell myself to get organised properly but somehow I forget these words of wisdom. At least I said farewell to the cat painting and put it in the hands of Royal Mail - I do hope they haven't bounced it around their sorting offices and it gets to its destination uncrushed and unbent. Have been panicking a bit today in an effort to get all my stock ready for a craft fair I'm doing at the weekend. I'm not selling art there but items I make for dogs, so methinks it would be advisable to mention I do pet portraits while I'm there! Ah well, what's next on my 'to do' list.......oh yes, a dozen handmade birthday cards, print out a precis for my little book (for the craft fair, to stop people asking me what it's about), make 6 ATCs by the end of the month and...oh yes, stop panicking!
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