My quest to paint

My quest to paint

My ever going battle with art

So I know I don't produce as much as I would like, I mean I can go AGES without even sketching (even though I'm dying to do it) but modern life gets in the way. Right? When I finish a piece it's almost like a loss, a void if you will...I just don't know what do do next so, I do nothing it would seem, till I get that sudden idea for a painting...which can take a while! I read an article by a fellow amateur painter who suffers the same misfortune as myself, we shall call this apathy! So, she starts a painting mid way through the one she is completing at present so she doesn't have 'the void'. Genius! If you have loads of ideas. I usually have to work on mine. So that is what I will do, or at least try. I've got a few ideas floating about at the moment but none of them are really clear so I'm trying to just sketch and tinker as much as possible, for 2 reasons, 1: the idea becomes clearer and, 2: it STOPS me focusing on the ideas and just enjoying sketching. Also, I'm currently waiting on a painting to dry and having no drying space equates to my easil being out of use (totally not an excuse)! Let's do this...
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So...I painted tonight!!! It was however a fence so unsure if that actually counts?

I think im at this point now ,I love drawing and painting but as you say gets in the way .im only a ametuer artist although I have been painting and drawing for years ,so I get stuck .. usually I get our photos out and find one to paint ,I will have to find more time to do your idea of starting another before one as dried ..hope you get more paintings on the go from now on ....

Thanks peter, im going to try that.

I paint mainly in oils and prepare my boards or canvases with a coat of gesso mixed with calcite (chalk powder) which dries to a good absorbent base layer which dries thin layers of oil paint practically straight away allowing over painting without waiting. I have not tried it (Yet) but I believe the same effect can be achieved by combing white acrylic primer with Polyfilla! Obviously thick layers of paint will take time to dry but 'fat over lean' means these thick layers would normally be the final ones anyway.

I work primarily in oils but I also use enamels, spray paints, pen, collage and lots of glazes...hence the horrifically long drying times! I would experiment! Oils are defiantly my thing but maybe I should go down a quicker drying medium (and less collage etc. but baby steps!) to the art shop for me tomorrow 😀 Thanks Timothy, good advice, guess logically it gives more of a poisonous surface, to an extent, but I think its more the use off loads of mediums...and really thick oil paint! I will try that tho thanks.

I paint a lot on gessoed MDF and often lay a thin acrylic ground on (in grey or black) before I paint in oils on top. I get the impression this helps the drying time a bit. This works for me. Good luck in whatever you do.

Posted by T H on Wed 10 Aug 23:23:34

I guess every artist has their sticking points Alesha. I'm thinking you must work in oils if you are waiting for your painting to dry and that was one of the reasons I gave up oils - you just run out of drying room. Hope you work out your problems and are able to paint when you want and not when you have access to your easel.