My paintings

My paintings

My paintings

Hello everybody, my name is Jonathan Lee Jones I'am a current art student, I enjoy painting as a hobby very much, and felt I needed feedback on my paintings because there are many experts in the field of art. I paint using watercolours mostly but from time to time I change mediums using oil paints. I'am going to upload some paintings to my profile and would be very grateful for feedback, thanks for taking your personal time to read my blog. kind regards all. Jonathan Lee Jones
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Hi Maureen seems Phil had the same experience as you...our State Gallery is not any better...hope your fight for your building is progressing

Hi Maureen...what a bummer...on Guernsey...visits an art gallery...full of photographs, some prints...oh and a painting...

Sorry Maureen called you Beatrice must have been tired glad you enjoyed the wedding was indeed a wonderful day and the sun shone on the young couple...I will put the odd one on the gallery so that you all can see them properly...they arn't the best just my snaps I'm dying to see the official photos then I might get one to paint although if I have the bridesmaids one developed it might come up OK good luck with your Heritage Centre get celebrities involved if you can...what about the department of history at the university...surely they can find something which could stop this

Hi Beatrice sorry you were disappointed in the Patchings exhibition what a shame...your picture is beautiful as looks like a place that I would like to live in with all those lovely trees