Modeling Clay Mix Media

Modeling Clay Mix Media

Unique Art Master

I started to become the worlds best modeling clay mix media painter not just making sunsets and impressionist work but abstracts , city and landscapes out of modeling clay. How I make my art is by spreading modeling clay sculpey over masonite and sometimes touch it up with pen-markers and or oils.. It has evolved from abstracts to fine detailed city-scapes and from bromeliads to all sorts of flowers, trees using various techniques that I have taught myself. also from just using my fingers to being able to use all sorts of spatulas and chop sticks that I have widled taylor made for my works. A unique style done only by me the world around among all other modeling clay artists. Making sure that with the techniques that I developed my works will not dry up ever . When I see my work I can see that I have mastered this unique type of painting. You may enjoy may enjoy my works at
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