Miles Mathis, Modernism and the Trajectory of Art

Miles Mathis, Modernism and the Trajectory of Art

A quest into modernism

I am an art learner and an amateur artist lost in the grandeur of art!
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Hi Maureen isn't the cricket going all of the years we have lived in Australia we just can't support Australia in cricket...we are watching now and Flintoff has just taken his fifth wicket wonderful...Ashes here we come

Hi Maureen have you been watching the Hubby has been screaming at the TV calling the England side all sorts...I think they were lucky to bring it to a draw...can't believe they let it get away from them...I know rain was expected and didn't arrive so maybe they thought they could have a draw without working for it...they better do better in the next test otherwise I fear for our TV

Hi Maureen thanks for your kind thoughts I'm feeling better today but still a bit other worldly which sometimes isn't a bad the house cleaned today and everything is nice and perhaps a psychological boost...painting for me at the moment is going south...hopefully when we are all over these germs I will get more time to myself to concentrate on what I'm doing...good luck with all of your projects and your time away

Hi Maureen we admire you for having all these projects lined up in advance you never have time to be bored.....we have been on your gallery & had a look at your paintings & liked what we see.....the latest painting fills me with admiration with the reflections in the water a thing i am alway's having trouble with (mirror or not) you seem to be really busy & we wish you success with all the projects you are involved with. Have a nice break with your husband. Betty & Max

Hi Maureen what a wonderful busy time you are having will go to your gallery to look at your new painting...thanks for your kind wishes...we didn't get time to get out vaccinations before we all came down like a deck of all started with Nana and a little cold about three weeks ago...then Hubby came down like a ton of bricks...then Daughter who I had home to look after...Nana was rushed into hospital last Tuesday confused with BP through the roof and that was pneumonia but they gave her intravenous antibiotics and she was home in a couple of days...too late I recon hospitals make you sick...I knew when I was in there with her I would pick something up everybody coughing and spluttering...they should have been wearing masks...I did my mountain of ironing today so a feeling of accomplishment now got to try to get the house tided up...Hubby's home from work not looking well at all...he's asthmatic but as you guessed it a man and won't go to the Doc until I drag him there and bu the look and sound of him that won't be long...hopefully once this is over that will be that...normally we are quite a healthy family but when we go we all go together...I'll try to paint tonight I find that really relaxes me but I don't know about this painting I'm getting sick of it...have a wonderful time when you get whisked away to Yorkshire.