Lucian Freud

Lucian Freud

Lady Elizabeth Cavendish

Is there anybody out there who can tell me how Lucian Freud managed to create such a wonderful effect with the eyes on this brilliant painting? This painting can be found on
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Freud is at the top of my 'artists I love and inspire me' list. A lot of his work is impasto and, it's often a single 'dab' of paint that brings eyes alive, one sploge in the right place makes all the difference! I often struggled with painting eyes so I took a step back from trying to get it exactly right and began just trying to capture the emotion or the person (or dog!) themselves. I am now converted to dabs and sploge for eyes!

Andy up load the pic to here. Copy/ save save to your own pic file / up load. Though immediately I would have to say that if I knew the answer to your question I to might have the fame and the money of L F .