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Living and learning...
Living and learning...
I realized my own blog on Google,, was only allowing comments from people with Google accounts, and have adjusted it so that anyone can now comment, even anonymously. I can explain myself a bit more fully there than I can on POL, but even so I shall certainly keep up my appearances here - if that is I don't get shunted off the front page QUITE so precipitately and brutally as I was today.... I'm not normally one to complain about multiple postings (and I'm not now, really) but I think one of our latest recruits has posted his/her lifetime's output in one day.... given one or two would make sarcy comments if a painter posted more than two, they must be in an apoplectic rage about this lot. They are very beautiful paintings, though; and I can forgive anything that's been accomplished with such skill.
I won't be shunted off my own front page, though! And would be extremely pleased to see you all visiting me there and leaving comments; preferably not anonymously, though it's up to you; and as I have strong opinions, without always having an awful lot to back them up with, feel free to disagree, take issue, berate me .... I like debate; and having spent something like 40 years in local politics, I'm hard to offend. It's not impossible, but it's difficult...
Talking, finally, of learning - time was when I would never include a figure in a painting: they always looked wrong, too big, misshapen, just plain inappropriate. Watching a Keith Fenwick video a while ago showed me where I'd been going wrong: Keith has a style all his own, and I don't always like it (but then, that's true of everyone else's too) but there's no doubt he's a fine teacher.
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