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Well, I now have a date for my first hospital appointment. It is only about three weeks away so this is a bit better than I thought it would be. However, it still gives me plenty of time to get nervous, which is not so good. Hopefully though it will get the ball rolling and maybe I will get some indication as to when I will have my operation. I'm hoping for sooner rather than later as I really want to get it out of the way. I may put a brave face on things like this, but I'm a real scaredy cat underneath. On the art front, I must admit I haven't actually done any painting since finishing "Rockpooling with Dad". I really must get down to doing more as there is another exhibition coming up and I can't put two of the painting in that I had earmarked for the last canceled one as they have been in twice before. We have rule about paintings only being allowed into two exhibitions after which they are officially "retired". I belong to two societies as an exhibiting member so I have to keep careful records. Thank heavens for computers and databases! Any way, I will update the medical side of things after my appointment, but will keep you posted on my painting and art exploits shortly. Regards to all and happy painting.
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