It's in my blood

It's in my blood

My art has always been part of me, my life, my genes. Now it is more, it is a lifeline.

An artisitc streak runs in my family. But only as a side dish, sadly never the main plate. My father was exceptional at pencil drawing and at oil. He could and did reproduce some of the most famous and intricate masterpieces by Velázquez and Goya, he sold amazing canvasses of wild horses and made several portraits of everyone in the family. My brother had his period of successful ink representations of local streets and buildings, very popular with their inhabitants. I was always good at art at school. Once i drew a friend's profile on scrap paper during break and it made ripples in the school amongst all teachers. I used to draw to pass the time. Home from uni during a holiday -academic degree since my father refused to let me study "just art"- my brother invited me to exhibit with him. Comments where "where did your sister learn to draw like this?". The answer, of course, "she didn't". Adult life took over and now as a middle aged adult i have rediscovered the old pleasures, i have exhibited in some local galleries, I have received a modest award and i have sold one picture. And of course, i have received many positive and encouraging comments. You need to know that the most valuable comments i have received are those coming from you, the public who does not know me, because you are not bias. So, thank you for your kind remarks here. They do mean a lot. I do sign my work simply "Ana" and the year. Maybe the digital image does not show this well or it has been involuntarily cropped out. But the necessary watermark bears my name and email: Ana's Art [email protected] Another website of mine is And you can follow me on facebook (Ana Art) and tweeter (@ArtCommiss). My art is for sale, as ultimately every artist wants to show their work. No prices specified as the end is more artistic than commercial and i prefer to have a private conversation with anyone tempted to buy or commission any work. Feel free to contact me any time.

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I wouldn't have minded just a "side dish" Ana. Your art appeals to me greatly. I continually peruse the Gallery and I am amazed at the diverse talent of all the artists. Not everything appeals of course and this is normal but your art has caught my eye on several occasions. Involve yourself in this website - make comments. This is all part of being in the art community. Enjoy your paintings/drawings. Enter competitions. And don't forget to "blog" sometimes as I think it is interesting to hear about the lives of other artists and, I don't want to be one of a few who blog as you will get very bored with me!!