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Its been a while
Its been a while

Hello all, It has been a while since my last entry so a little of whats been going on in my world,
I was invited to enter a sculpture in an exhibition of Totems , traditional and modern and as it was the first time my sculpture would be shown in an art gallery I agreed, although I have been sculpting for many years my work was commisioned for film ,TV or Display and so was never entered into exhibitions, My piece gave the curator a bit of a problem as it was the only one made in Fibreglass a modern material yet brightly painted, There were large figurative carvings ,pole carvings ,fired clay pieces ,large metal pieces and smaller mixed media pieces,all very different and one of my favourites was a man and woman made from found pieces ,clever and amusing,
However the work involved in producing a large sculptural piece is too time consuming and in future I shall stick to painting and only small sculptures,
I raised the Shackles of Pamela Bennet by inadvertently posting five on one day for which I apologise to her and to anyone else who was seething with uncontrollable rage over their computer, Nice to be back :)
Warm regards to all Bill.
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