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Is this an Amaryllis
Is this an Amaryllis
A lady brought these flowers into class on Monday...I asked her if it was an Amaryllis and she said we call them something else over here but for the life of me I can't remember what she said...I hope to paint this for Daughter in Acrylics.
I have posted the latest incarnation of the Flinders Landscape...I did a lot of pen work on it in class and last night...I think I got a bit carried away with the green ink but hopefully it will come together...the picture does show almost Phthalo Green for the larger trees and although I have never visited the Kimberly's I have seen it a lot on TV and in pictures and I know the colours are is in the tropics whereas the Pilbara is more desert like.
Now as to the clean up of what is going to be my room...this will be finished by Friday I've decided...the floor space is planned in my brain down to where I will sit...I want to sit with my back to the window because the window is West facing although we have next door to shade us a bit.
Know one but me will be allowed into the room...that is except for Daughter but only in desperation...she has a lot of respect for my art stuff and if it needs to be moved she does so carefully.
After that is done the linen cupboard will need sorting out because since Daughter has re-decorated she has given me back all of the linen she borrowed when she moved into her house's all to good for the op-shop I think or is my siege mentality creeping back...perhaps a bit of ruthlessness.
I will sort anyone's room out for them with abject ruthlessness because it's not my stuff.
To do this I will take in payment: A return ticket from Perth Western Australia to London...Two weeks at the Ritz high teas included...bed and board for the time it takes to sort out any room or house...OH and some spending money gotta take back some pressies...I'm having legally binding contracts drawn up as I speak to all the the artists who are untidy like me.
You probably won't be able to find a thing when I'm finished.
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