Ipad painting....(David Hockney on Countryfile......)

Ipad painting....(David Hockney on Countryfile......)

Ipad painting....(David Hockney on Countryfile......)

Did anyone by chance watch coumtryfile on tv this weekend...with David Hockney painting the tunnel on his Ipad,and taking nine photographs at the same time to create a huge image....? Well the whole thing simply blew into my head..amazing.I loved it..there I am outside in the cold,with the wind blasting my paper away,blowing over the water,rolling away the brushes....you all know the feeling,you really NEED to be out there,doing your bit crouched up on a stile or hiding beside a stone wall...! So,has anyone converted to I pad painting..(Apart from David..! ) what do you use and how do you take the image afterwards to a conclusion..were those images in his exhibition on big digital screens..(Not the photos..his paintings...?) Loads of questions....! Have you tried it....? Can you tell I am busting to have a go at this...?Bring it on...!
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