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Welcome to my blog. After much debating with myself whether I should start one, I decided that I would like to have one as a motivation tool. At the same time I am aware that it will take some time to maintain it. I also made a decision to keep it short.
My preferred medium is watercolour. But I also like working in coloured pencil. Both these mediums share one trait that is generally you work from light to dark, but the oposite way is also possible when needed.
I have rekindled my love of painting about 4 years ago. I am mostly self-taught, but did a very short 3 mnth course on drawing when I was at college.
To meet like-minded people and to learn more about painting I joined York Art Society (YAS) and have recently exhibited with them in 195th Spring Exhibition.
I have looked around the local area trying to find a Watercolour Group, but unfortunately have found none. So I am considering of setting one in York. I will be working towards it in the future.
I am also working towards having a web-site.
Well, that is all for now.
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