Inspired by the West Coast

Inspired by the West Coast

Inspired by the West Coast

I have visited the South West Coast of Wales for many years especially the wonderful Pembrokeshire coast . I don't live by the coast or in the country but I like to revisit and make many studies and sketches and even some paintings in watercolour/pastel or gouache which may inform other works back in my studio. I've had many interesting encounters with nature, incoming tides and wildlife as well as curious passers-by, but have always found it a wonderfully enriching experience. These studies along with any other information are taken back to my studio to turn into a body of work in various media .Not only am I trying to recapture the light or mood of the place but hopefully imbue the subject with my own personallity and create ideas using which-ever medium best expresses my main area of interest . Although I call myself a 'Landscape' artist, I also paint seascapes and townscapes as well as other subjects .I do believe that the term 'landscape' can include any subject to do with our surroundings whether it be the rolling hills of Kent or the exposed rocky beaches of the Pembrokeshire coast in spring at low tide. I will always search for new subject matter and inspiration, but I will always have a love for the wonderfully dramatic and rugged views of the magnificant West Coast of Britain.
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