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I'll Never Own a Van Gogh! Part 1
Making my own copy of an unobtainable painting.

When I was at school one of the Modern Language classrooms had a large colourful print of "Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries”. We all know it! We have all seen it. Vincent made a sketch on the spot with his reed pen and called it "Souvenir de Ste Mairies Mediterraneé". He subsequently worked it up as both an oil and a watercolour. The bright colours and draftsman ship of this watercolour image had always entranced and intrigued me, transporting my mind from the damp and everyday North to a vivid lively south. Though unsuccessful financially in life, his paintings are eye-wateringly expensive selling for sums that mean even the very rich must limit their acquisitions. I decided I would like to make a copy of the watercolour version:driven by the flawless design and simple bright colours. I will never own a van Gogh, but could I make a believable version? The first step was a source image squared off and transferred to paper.
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