Hydrangea study on the third day

Hydrangea study on the third day

Julie Ann Maguire's work-in-progress continues today with a touch of Suburban art jam

Dear Art Blog Friends I've made some good progress methinks on my study of this wilting, decaying hydrangea taken from my own reference source, a photo set across our neighbour's garden fence in December 2013 when the sunlight had brought out a lovely and unique botanical quality. Some of my fellow CP artists will appreciate, particularly us hardworking mums/housewives, that rendering CP often does take up a considerable number of hours. Normally I find my quality time to draw after the kids have left for college, when my husband is at work, I've done all the household chores, watched a few soaps and find that I can only devote a couple of hours each day to my craft. Then it's preparation for tea, a rush to prepare myself for my evening work of two hours at nearby Yorkshire Building Society, back home for supper, a few more soaps and if I'm lucky some further progress behind my art workstation before bedtime. PHEW! What a hectic lifestyle! That's why I'm always more enthusiastic when I have a theme that I enjoy working on and the image reference is a good high-definition source. I'm pleased with the way this work-in-progress is heading! In my enthusiasm, I believe my speed of application has grown and I can now see the end results looming. Onward a little more and I'm home and dry! Have a good day everyone. Best Wishes JAM PS I nearly forgot - you can also see more progress on my art website/blog by copying and pasting the link: http://suburbanartjam.com/wp/progress-on-botanical-theme-day-3/
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