Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

For all my Australian friends, I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Please take a load off and sit down on my newly made seat cushion covers. You must all be exhausted after being spoilt all day (and all mums deserve being spoilt). My own mum passed away 10 years ago in June, and both my grandmothers died only in the past couple of years, so I now have no reason to celebrate. Still my hat goes off to all mothers (and fathers).... raising kids is NOT easy. The cushion covers were made by my own fair hands after jury service this week (it still goes on). I wanted (rather than needed) to cover the somewhat unattractive pads that I bought from Ikea to put on the folding chair for my visitors in June to sit on. No art this week then either. The closest I got to art was the silver clay jewellery class I did today. It's a two-Sunday course and today I made a "blackbird" brooch. Or it will be a brooch when I have fired the clay and soldered the pin to the back. I'll post a pic of the completed project next week. I like silver clay; its fun and malleable and makes fine silver projects when finished. What I don't like is the early start and fact that the clay dries out super-quick. Even so, it will be fun seeing how my exercise in textures work out. I just hope there are no air bubbles to pop my work. Hope everyone had a great Sunday, and have a good week!
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