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finally moved . . .!
finally moved . . .!
Now I'm painting in my new hoose .... it's completely empty -- no carpets, no kitchen, no bathroom -- what joy -- a whole house studio. But this won't last long, oh no, because me and my husband are doing it up - a project. Have to put finishing touches to two big paintings for my next exhibition and they just WON'T resolve. Yesterday was bad, but today a bit better ....
Exhibition: The Sea, The Sea, April 10 - May 29th at Gallery Forty-Nine, 1 Market Place, Old Town, Bridlington YO16 4QJ
exhibiting with me artist friend, Ailsa Read -- she is off in St Ives at the moment, painting, I'm certain the next set of seascapes. I'm in York, trying to finish ones I started from sketchbook.
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