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Finally...creating again
Finally...creating again

After a rather long hiatus I have picked up the brush and actually did something...rather than reading a magazine or book about doing something or going to the gallery to see the something someone else did.
I was rather ambitious (well, ambitious for me in the fact its bigger than a postcard) in trying to do an actual painting – at the moment I have done the first layer of an acrylic on board but am now at an impasse...not quite sure where to develop it from the current point.
So while I waited for paint to dry and to keep the creative juices going I did a couple of postcard wet-in-wet exercise from an old The Artist magazine...and I think they turned out alright, or a least I am happy with them. One is here and both are in the gallery.
So at least I am starting to do something before my course begins in September but I need to get on with this board...I guess another glass of vino may help in losing some creative inhibitions and loosing the brush...we'll see how it goes.
Hope all is well, keeping on being creative!
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