Experimenting with watercolour pencils is fun

Experimenting with watercolour pencils is fun

Experimenting with watercolour pencils is fun

Yesterday afternoon I thought it was time to try out some watercolour pencils I had bought last month. They were secondhand (unused) bought from a auction site. They are Faber Castell Albrecht Durer, a tin of 12. I had an art challenge with an Art Guild I am a member of. The challenge to create an artwork on the theme of 'communication' and it must have a link to 'green'. I brain stormed possibilities. I really love this part of the creative process. Finally I came up with the picture above. An A3 Bockingford pad of watercolour paper was used for this painting. As we are stuck in the depths of winter I thought it might be good to choose something funny, to lift the spirit. So I have come up with a painting called ‘Playing Footsie’. Have you ever played it? It is an intimate game, basically a way of flirting silently without other people noticing (like an inside joke, but better). Be warned, it is best played with someone you really like and likes you back. Be gentle and don’t kick the other person by accident or it could have the reverse effect Firstly I just sketched the entire picture (using my imagination) after I introduced water with a soft brush. The background first, then floor and legs, shoes etc... I found I could still push the colour around. It was magic, the colours all came to life and became vibrant. Reminded me of those magic painting books I had as a child. Please let me know what you create with your watercolour pencils, what techniques/tips can you share. Do you use another brand. I'll certainly try them again soon. ~ Cheers ~ Anni
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