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Drawing process?
Drawing process?
I've recently returned from living in Germany in the Harz region. I already knew Wilko before I went there and he introduced me to other artists. The upshot of all this is that we have two exhibitions starting soon.
One of the things that I found really interesting about working more closely with Wilko was that his drawing/ painting process seems very different from mine. He knows what he is aiming for, makes his plan and carries it out. (I don't mean it doesn't change to some extent on the way, but his plan seems to remain largely intact. His painting always seems underpinned by intellectual knowledge and reasoning. I too start off with a plan, but it's generally vague and even when it isn't, my painting seems to set off on its own. It develops in a direction that is sometimes in line with the original plan, but can just as likely develop into something quite different.
How do other people produce their paintings?
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