Could spring be around the corner...?And dream gardens..?

Could spring be around the corner...?And dream gardens..?

Could spring be around the corner...?And dream gardens..?

After all that snow its now too warm for a hat and coat outside,the birds are tweeting,and the roses fibbing that its time to prune them.....! A water leak(Being resolved as I type...) has halted the laundry,and pottery,so I am about to dash off into the greenhouse and pot up some salad crops...and some flowers...yes hoping to paint them this summer..grow and paint...! As for art work I have been struggling to finish the map I have been painting,nearly there...just lettering.Thought I might use shop seems to stock them,so a steady hand will be called for.How I wish I could get the thing off my table and paint a seascspe instead....! how many paintings do you have on the go at once.....? I aalso had a dream about both my grandparents gardens,the shape of the trees,and paths etc.I havent seen the gardens I recalled as a child for 30 years now,but it all came flooding back...I think I am going to paint the memory of them,soon..!
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