


Thank you for the warm welcomes to the blog, My Dad has confirmed that I was named after Wanda jackson. unfortunatly I only share her name and not her talent for singing as i'm tone deaf! I have started a galary and have had some lovely comments wich is great. My friends and family always say nice things about my pictures but i've never really been sure if they just say they like them because they love me. So hearing other peoples comments is good for the soul. Cold is my second picture, when I was at school there was a girl in a older year than me, she was a quite dowdy plain girl not very popular in fact I didn't even know her name but boy could she paint. I remember this painting she did wich was of horses by a lake in all different shades of blue, I thought it was the most wonderful thing I had ever seen and to me she was the coolest kid in the school but I never told her. When Kevin wrote the song "Cold" her picture came to mind, I wanted to capture a bit of what I saw in her work along with the meaning of the song wich is about a relationship going cold. I wanted the girl in the picture to look like she has no emotions but I don't feel I really got that as to me she just looks grumpy. But to end on a possitve I am very pleased with it and I would like to think that the girl from school would like it to.
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