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clock change..for better or worse..?
clock change..for better or worse..?
Flumoxed by the changing hour/daylight or lack of it....! Lack of light is hampering my efforts at everything today..even though I got up really early to make a start....!Not looking forward to this evening..its going to be dark ,wet and...well just not right...bring back the sun...! Am I the only one who really hates this time of day/year....? Can painting efforts or inspiration be directly linked to the amount and intensity of natural daylight....? somehow its just not the same under artificial llight banished to the inside...? One positive thing about this time of year are the amazing cloud formations,colour and sunsets that I see when dog and I escape for second!
I am also very grateful that I dont live in the path of flooding and high winds from huricane sandy...tonight my thoughts are with all those people and their animals in the path of such a mega storm,and the after effects of it.
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