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Can't Move Can't Paint
Can't Move Can't Paint
Well the back seized today had to shop took me two hours longer...painting for the moment is out because reaching for anything is agony...will be resting all day tomorrow so hopefully I won't have to order a scooter for my day out on Saturday and I'm going by hook or by crook...can't miss out on the book shop or the art supply shop and the lovely chats I have there...I think I should warn all the shops I visit that I will be on a scooter in order to save spillages...I am in the thinking process as to which way to travel with this back injury or should I say the effects of...there are some pills which may help but because these nuisance attacks are getting closer together I have a feeling it's a hospital job...this of course will be the last resort but as I'm already rattling with pills I feel the last resort is close...It will be a few weeks before I know what the outcome will be...hopefully the tablets the Doctor has recommended will keep me out of hospital a while biggest hope would you believe is that I hope I can wear my heels for the wedding...can't possibly get dressed up without the heels...although I can say that I have trouble with them and always have...can any one tell me how do you stop falling off them!!!...the girls have tried to show us oldies but somehow it dosn't totter I will...because I'm not feeling well I'm sending myself a flower it will probably be one you all have seen before but hey
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