Bosom Mitra

Bosom Mitra

Inspiring people by motivating through art.

While walking through a street today, I discovered this beautiful piece of art. These are imprints of tyres and people walked through the road. I found it beautiful as these are the textures which we try hard to get. If it could have been on canvas it may be a masterpiece. This taught me something more, rather than being an art inspiration. Our life is like a sand, we sometimes find it meaningless and unworthy due to the imprints of things we had been through. But that is what made it beautiful and the person who we are. We should not forget that imprints on sand can be changed as everything could be re-written and we can do what we could wish to. Its in our hands how to live and rise from everything. We cannot get what we have lost but who knows, there is something better ahead if we wish to get it. We have choices either wait for something to happen and change the imprints like this image or it will change its prints through time or wind. Or else we should follow an option to write or imprint what we wish in our life, that is a step towards a positive life and be happy. This artwork of nature which is actually given by human being inspired me a lot. I wish it could inspire you as well. I am going to use these textures in my painting soon. Always remember, there is inspiration everywhere,what we need is to discover. Explore some more textures...Stay Positive... Stay Blessed...
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