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black marks on the carpet......
black marks on the carpet......
Well I cant help wondering who left those horrible oily marks upstairs on my cream carpet...I mean with such a family of engineers and farmers trickling into the house covered in EP90,and other solidified oil substances,mixed in with mud,straw,muck and whatever.....but who did it this time...Its stricly boots off in this house....on the jeans or socks then...?
The dog ...oh yeah .Blame the poor dog......well her feet are clean....but,whats this,following me about.....OMG its marks everywhere....! And its black...oil...paint...!
I am going to be bannished out to the cold shed if hubby sees it..hes only downstairs....what have I got up here to remove it...some expensive thinners...rub, worse...! Nail polish remover..........? bathroom cleaner......scrub,scrub.....The office door he putting the kettle on oor.....phew..'Tea my dear?' yes please...I will be down...Carpet still marked,but not as badly as the old rug on my new painting room floor.He hasnt noticed.....and it could be oil....thank my stars it was black not red !
I actually felt dizzy painting this,my second oil picture,as I had the photo I took at the top of the cliffs right by my side......!
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