Back on my feet again

Back on my feet again

Back on my feet again

Well all it's nice to move without seizing up almost back to normal so will be walking around the shops tomorrow walking stick in tow just in's such a nice one all flowery and bright...I shall keep it in my trolly but god help anyone who pushes me around I shall put it between their feet and say OH SORRY like as if...intended to paint tonight but after a bottle of Tilley's Vineyard hubby put Simon and Garfunkel in Central Park on blaring just great a good dvd and only $10 then we had a little Pink Floyd in Earls Court in1994 just brilliant...still music is art and the way David Gilmore plays that guitar is a balm to the brain love a well played guitar...the harmonies of Simon and Garfunkel well what can I say still stands up today...reminds me of my hippy youth and my trip around the US of A on a Greyhound bus with a couple of was such a safe and friendly place then and we had a ball
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