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Back again

Well that's the dentist out of the way, I've just had two of my teeth varnished, hmm. Anyway back to my oil painting, I only had a couple of canvas board and even although there is an excellent art shop in town I was feeling mean so I decided to see what I had already had that would work, Some small sheets of Colorfix sanded paper, that would work but I want to keep that for coloured pencil work. A piece of hardboard about 8" x 8". I took a sheet of primed canvas from a Crimson & Blake pad I've had for years and using acrylic medium pasted it to the board, that worked well. I had some cheap acrylic painting boards from WH Smith which I had not got around to using. I cut some Wallis sanded paper to size and stuck it to the boards. The smaller size worked fine but I wasn't careful enough with larger and got a few are bubbles, Use it for impasto I think. I've got a pack of Silver Leaf gelatine somewhere and I'm going to use that prime some heavy watercolour paper then I'll be able to use that as well. Then I'll get stuck in. I've read lots of articles on oil painting, but really I think once you've got the basics you've just got to get stuck in, as you want your own style not someone else's. I'd have a go this evening but I succumbed to an Ian Rankin thriller in town and there's a new episode of Stagat Atlantis on in a few minutes. And my dishwasher is poorly and I've got to wash up. Art group in the morning, what am I going to do this week, I don't want to get in a rut!
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