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Autumn's ear
Autumn's ear
Hi all,
It's nearly time to pull on the fingerless gloves and get the gin prepared for de-icing the washes for another winter's hard work toiling at the outdoor easel!
Time to pause and reflect on the summer's outdoor opportunities to spill some paint. The striking thing about this season was that I was not always alone. It didn't seem to matter how far up in the hills I went, animated beings took an interest in my work.
In May, a herd of heifers tried to eat my palette, paint and all. Fortunately, I made the important discovery that they are scared of sketch books and expletitives unheard and hithertofore totally unknown to the outdoor nature painter herself! I got so desperate with their huffy-puffy presence, I actually hurled the sketchbook at them. My latent legal advisor instincts were unleashed and I threw the book at them.
Human companions were more cordially welcomed and these turned up in the most unlikely isolated spots and gave me the most kindly encouragement as I toiled. It is quite amazing. I got to half expecting kindly people to parachute in for a chat about painting.
It is, as ever, well worth the bit of discomfort to savour the surprizing experiences offered by painting outdoors on the site of your subject!
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