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Autumn Watching - pastel sketch
Autumn Watching - pastel sketch
My next painting project is under way. I am revisiting soft pastels and have sketched the outline onto pastel paper. Whilst there is a subject in the painting that will be the focus due to some of the brightly covered clothes and fairly dull surroundings, I chose this because the foreground trees and routes will be wonderful to paint. I have decided to omit a couple of people in the background because they did not bring anything to the painting and may distract the eye. They could have proved useful for perspective but after careful thought I decided to leave them out.
I have found the details of my local art group and hope to pop along on Wednesday to see what they get up to. They meet at 1.30 which fits in well with work. I have been told to be pleased if they all seem really good because then I will get lots of advice - not so sure about that, I'll probably want to flee. I am determined to go though. I have also been investigating courses to improve my work, specifically in portraits and drawing. With roughly about £250 to find for a portrait course I'd like to enrol over the next few months.
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