At Last..some reasonable results...!

At Last..some reasonable results...!

At Last..some reasonable results...!

In my blog a week or so ago,I was rather fed up that my sweet little kiln did not seem to be playing the game, and just refused to reach its temperature.And I was left wondering what to do with all my 'stuff' in my workshop.I had given up hope of ever being able to do a stoneware firing again..this is the most exciting way of firing ones work as each item is unique,if you make up your own glaze,like I do,from the woodburning stove ash,and our own clay from the garden.I had almost decided to go back to a pit firing in the garden with sawdust and shavings..but this can only give black smokey effects..interesting,but not what I was looking for...however,thanks to the technical dept at the kiln makers I was able to order new elements,and bless him,my dear hubby fitted them for me.As it was such a lovely day yesterday,I took some pictures of the end result...much to my labradors amusement..she thought it was supper time early as I was laying out the bowls..and had to jump on the table for a look ..!I didnt know she could do that ! So we both had a suprise...!
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