Art by MiMa

Art by MiMa

Art by MiMa


Hope you managed to fined the SAA Patsy........we have left a message on your blog for you.......hope your health improves soon........Take care Betty & Max XXX

Hi Max and Betty was going to paint today but cleaned house and was just too tired...I didn't get a chance to google SAA mag last night but will tonight when I log off...glad your Mum likes it where she is it helps older people recover better if they are happy...wish my Mum-in-Law was more positive about life she has a very negative attitude and her motto is " I can't be bothered." shame really...but I can't allow that to effect the way I view life which is one of optimism and I intend to stay that way...yes the back does get very painful but my Dr. is very good about my pain medication she got my perscription sorted out where I don't have to see her every two weeks...I take Tramel Slow Release and they are a synthetic Morphine so we need an order for them...the previous Dr would only give me one month at a time...I think she was after the's funny here we have to pay up front for the Dr. and then claim it back from the Government Medicare but out of $55 we only get $33 back and we can't claim the gap...meds too are expensive I went to get 5 perscriptions and it cost me $190 I nearly fainted...when we reach a certain amount this year it's nearly $1400 and then we get it at pensioners rate which is $6 each...such a rip off looking forward to seeing your new Scratch Foil Betty they are all so beautiful as are Max's he doing anything at the moment...must off LOL Patsy XXX

Hope you will be able to get the SAA!!!! .......Let us know what you think about it!!!........Will be seeing mum again on monday she seems to like it where she is........We do feel for you Patsy your back must be painful........max has leg problems & can fall over very easy.....And i have arthritus of the spine besides other things thats what happens when you get older. Must try to finish my scratch foil but have not had time lately & max is struggleling with his painting must be all the strain we are under never mind must keep smiling........going to have an early night so will say goodnight LOL Betty & Max XXX

Thanks for the info on SAA Max and Betty so glad to hear your Mum is local to you now and she has a lovely room...that will probably take the pressure off a little now Betty...I know what you mean about slowing down...I seem to be doing more these days than I did 10 years ago maybe just to picky Dr tells me not to do so much because of my back but I feel if I stop getting about as I do I'll seize up and I don't want that...we went to town today and I barely made it back to the car nearly toppled trying to get up a couple of I think I will take my Dr's problem is when my back has had enough my feet just won't pick up and I could trip over a spiders web...Hubby was really good and made me a lovely cuppa along with a painkiller whilst I had a hot shower when we got home...the hot water really helps...feeling much better now but cleaning day tomorrow and I want to stick to my routine with my course starting this week...poor Max being sick on the Mersey Ferry it can get a little rough...spent some courting days on the Mersey Ferry just going back and forth and only paying once then catching the last bus back out to the Village from Birkenhead...Thanks for your comment on the Lily not quite finished yet...look after yourselves Max and Betty LOL Patsy XXX

Hi Patsy..well i visited mum today & she seems happy in her new surroundings..her room overlooks the sea a lovely view......but she is very unsteady on her feet even though she walks with the help of a walking frame & nurses each side of will be a while yet before they let her home......she is worried about her little dog who is 14 years old a Peke but my sister has her my brother & myself help in looking after her. The SAA is a site that sells all art materials & they hold competitions sometimes.....if you type in your bar (we have google)... saa art supplies uk.... or... saa-shop home-art materials art supplies they have a lot on there to click on.....we are members & so is get things cheaper by becoming a member.........The only time Max was sick on the sea was here in England crossing the Mersey on a ferry & he had his naval uniform on at the time so panic stations to get it cleaned ready for duty on board his ship the next day but he did it. My BP is still up....i was told i have to slow up & not to do so much which is very hard to do at the moment. Well late for bed again had friends round this evening as well which was very goodnight LOL Betty & Max XXX

Hi Max and Betty so glad to here that your Mum has been moved closer to you it will save you that long trip...i suppose we are lucky here being a smallish city our major hospitals are not too far away...what is the SAA magazine I don't know that one...going to town again on Sunday so will look in the shop where I can get The Artist...I've been on the Irish sea a few times always sick but boy can it get rough scary...good luck with your Doctor's appointment Betty hoping all is OK well late here as usual so must get some shut eye Goodnight LOL Patsy XXX

Hi Patsy.....well mum have been moved back to Exmouth & is being looked after in a home for after treatment but it will be a while before she is allowed home to her own home because of her age but at least we will be able to visit her more often now that she is back here. We had our SAA painting magazine on wednesday & on opening it saw one of Thea's paintings & the comment's she had on it......was very impressive.........We have the swine flu in Paignton not far from us........also where one of the daughters live with her family but they are ok......look foreward to seeing the photo of the mandarines.......It can be frightening at sea when you are up on the boat deck & one of the lifeboat hooks come adrift & you don't know if it would go overboard or can be most frightening at times....but i am still here to tell the tale........Will certainly look out for mars if it is going to be that close to the earth no doubt our great nephew will keep us informed of the advent he is in to all of this kind of thing.........Let you know how i get on with the doctor......Very tired must get some shut eye so will say goodnight & god bless Betty & Max XXX

Hi Max and Betty so glad to hear that your Mum/Mum-in-Law is being moved closer will be so much better for you two...keep her moving it's so important when older folks break bones...I know it must be awfully painful but in the end the results are good...nurses cap off now...yes this site has been a wonderful boon for me opened my world and everyone is so friendly and helpful...yes it must be the Irish thing Max the low BP my Mother is the same's funny about wind and rain isn't it it always comes when the garden dosn't need it...we often get that sort of weather in September just when the fruit trees are setting their flowers...the Mandarins are growing a treat I will post a picture of them when they ripen...we havn't had cold enough nights yet to turn them we have this swine flu thing I'm off to the Dr next week for my regular appointment so I'm getting a jab don't want to turn into a swine...they had pictures of people disembarking planes in Perth with masks on...Asian people here always wear masks when they have colds or what have you I think it's a good idea...we have been watching Trawler Men my goodness how did you ever cope at sea some of the waves and storms are frightening...funny I have a phobia about water if anyone comes near me in a swimming pool I freak out yet all my grandfathers and Father went to sea...not my element...just out of interest my Hubby sent me an email about Mars and apparently it is going to be very close to Earth in August and will be able to be seen with the naked eye something to do with the pull of Jupiter now I don't know if this is true or not but if it is won't it be get the binoculars ready might be worth it if it's true...well again it's late so Goodnight Max and Betty and good luck with your Dr's appointment Betty LOL Patsy XXX

Hi Patsy....we have had some heavy rain showers the last few days & today we had thunder thrown in for good measure it won't do the plants much good.........Betty transplanted some Fuchias into bigger pots ready for the hanging baskets when she does them they are in the conservatory at present because we don't have a greenhouse.....mother-in-law is being moved back to exmouth on wednesday to a care home untill she is fit enough to go back to her own home it hurts her to walk but she is making an effort but at 95 she is doing well........betty has to see the doctor again on friday for BP she has been on the tablets for many years they keep upping the you i to have low BP & come over giddy......must be the irish in us. We are so glad we have helped you in some way by talking on this site...some lovely people on here!!!! We love chatting to you Patsy it is always a pleasure.....sounds as if your daughter had a good glad you have found an art class to attend & look forward to seeing the results of these classes......we enjoy ours very much on a friday. Well must close & try to get some shut eye. Take Care LOL Betty & Max XXX

Thank you Sylvia for answering......we have had it wet today in exmouth with some thunder thrown in for good measure a differance to last week when it was like summer & we had the daughter & grandson down here visiting.........I am in the middle of a painting & Betty is also finishing one, so will post both on the gallery when finished........will look forward to your comments on them both. Will keep looking on your blog for the photo of the cherry blossom. Betty & Max

Hi Max and Betty sorry to hear that Betty's health is not the best...that's the trouble with getting older we are so much more susceptible to things like shingles and of course they take so much longer to resolve...hope the Dr manages to get Betty's BP under control...Hubby has been on BP medication since he was in his 30's a family trait through his Mother who had a stroke at 48...for me I'm the opposite I have low BP which can be a pain in the you know what causing dizziness if I get up too quickly or sometimes if I hunch down in a shop after I've hauled myself up I feel as if I will black out just got to hold on until it passes...hope your Mum-in-Law gets moved closer for you it's a long trip isn't it must be very tiring especially with Betty not being so well herself...I'm so looking forward to my class this is another milestone for me since I started with the panic attacks 5 years ago...little by little that is the way...I can honestly say that talking to all of you wondrful people on here has helped me so much...the acceptance of what art I have all has given me that little bit of confidence to move forward otherwise I just would have carried on at home...Daughter thoroughly enjoyed her weekend and we had many laughs about the antics when she arrived home today...they are a wonderful group of young people who really stick by each other through thick and thin...she has a day off tomorrow to recover I think a few bottles were sunk by all accounts but then you are only young once so glad you had a good time with your family... love crazy golf always have a great laugh...yes the boulders going in the bin was a great's not something I would usually do you know never give up...I'm working in watercolour at the moment getting some practice in...well Max and Betty hope things improve for you both late as usual so Goodnight LOL Patsy XXX

Hi Max, have just found all of your lovely comments, thankyou, just so lovely on a wet April Monday morning. I have not seen any of yours or Bettys pictures in the Gallery recently?? You know I enjoy telling you how you should have painted them!!! Thank you again for your happy comments P S I have a lovely cherry tree blossom photograph I shall download it soon onto my blog. Cheers Sylvia..

Sorry about the delay in answering but have not had time to go on the computer much this last week.........had the daughter (the one who had the accident) on wednesday with the grandson.....went down to the sea front & had a game of crazy golf.....a good time had by all....the weather was perfect.....caught the sun a bit. Back to the doctors for Betty Blood pressure still high & shingles still on her back. art class on friday teacher taught us how to use cling film & plaster-of-paris in painting very interesting.......Saturday a visit to mum in Sidmouth hospital an hours ride away....she still can't walk.....hoping she will be moved nearer to exmouth next week. Good luck with your classes hope you will enjoy them.....sorry about the rocky landscape but if your not satisfied with it the best place is in the bin we find......hope you find some pleasure in painting from your chinese book.....maybe some more robins in high heels??....Hope your daughter enjoy's her long weekend away & comes back refreshed......also hope you have had a good time with the many walks are they giving "YOU" Eye's are nearly closed time for bed.....goodnight speak soon LOL Betty & Max XXX

Hi Max and Betty hope you are both well and your Mum-in-Law is recovering...I seem to have a touch of luck lately no big wins on Lotto or anything like that but a course just around the corner on a Thursday just at the right time...Mum-in-Law cooks on Thurs and I don't like not being at home when she's in the 12 noon/3pm just right...the lady I spoke to when I rang to pay for my course said that the tutor was a little different than most and would I fancy the Watercolour Pen and Ink on a Monday...I clean on Monday and I'm not good with changing routines and to be honest I think I will enjoy different...her list is the three primary colours a 4b pencil 300gpm paper and a plastic eraser...suits me...I'll post any results whatever they are like...the book I bought is fantastic it crosses over as it goes combining Western and Chinese art so I'm dying to have a go...the Rocky Landscape has gone in the bin the rocks were turning into boulders too much brown and gray not my thing so I feel free as a bird at the moment...shops closed tomorrow for Anzac Day and Daughter is away with 10 friends for the long weekend they arrived safely which I'm always glad about when they drive any distance...they have booked a very large holiday house which will sleep them all and has 3 bathrooms which I feel is just as well...after they all split the money the 3 night 4 day weekend is only costing $100 each not bad at all...I say go for it when you are young...we of course have little dog for the weekend which is a pleasure she's a little sweetie as is my old poodle...well Max and Betty must off and get to bed so goodnight

Hi Max and Betty thankyou for the belated wishes I'm over the flu now awful thing ...looking forward to seeing more of your lovely garden now that ours is on the wind down although the manderines will be along soon so will post a picture...I'm sorry to here of your Mother-in Law hope she gets up and around soon...I read on the Forum that Betty is doing an Elephant really looking forward to seeing it...what are you up to now Max?...well tonight the decision was taken and the rocks went into the bin...I asked Hubby to do it for me...the rocks had become boulders and an obsession the bin men come Friday so I'm not taking anything to the bin until it's emptied...I start a watercolour course on 7th May and I'm so's just around the corner not too far away because of has a good long term and a 3 hour class so should be good hope this finds you both well and your Mother-in-Law on the mend LOL Patsy XXX

"Barbara Jackman" was the first clematis i is still going strong one of the best......we had about 19 clematis at one time they are a lovely flower & give much pleasure.........they love to make there way over bushes etcetera......will post more of our garden on our blog wnen it comes into flower.......thank you for your good wishes for my birthday & the comment on my photo it was taken at our art group that Betty & i attend on a friday........Look forward to seeing your photo of your clematis. Love Betty & Max

GOTCHA!!! I've been looking for your blog for ages. What a cheery friendly face you have. Lovely garden too. I have a clematis called 'Barbara Jackman'. Bought from Woolies years ago. Tried to nurture it around the front door but it wasn't having any so I gave it a spot in the back garden where it climbs happily up an old field fence post found in the hedge one day. When it flowers I'll show you. Many Happy Returns. Love to Betty.

The clematis is called "JACKMANII" Thea we have it growing amongst a bush it seems to thrive where it is....... The shock came out on mum today (saturday) she will stay in hospital for at least ten day's........we have to travel to Sidmouth hospital to visit her because there are no beds in Exmouth or Exeter.......but it's a lovely bus ride though country roads to get there. Thank you for your birthday wishes Thea.........i think i will start going backwards. Take care Betty & Max xx

Hello - which clematis is it? It is spectacular. I have quite a few in my garden and I tend to grow them up trees, etc as I feel they don't really like restraint. I also did not know that Patsy was ill with the flu - and if she reads this - I wish her a speedy recovery. Sorry to hear about Betty's mother - it is a worry when they get old and frail and falls seem to be a hazard for them. Hope she gets on ok after the shock. And a belated Happy Birthday to the 21 again birthday boy! Never reveal your age after 49! Take care. Thea.

Thank you Patsy for your wishes for my birthday, a belated one to you to from myself & Betty......our daughter Robin & our grandson is visiting us next wednesday for the day it will be lovely to see them. Hope you are feeling a lot better now. Betty's mother was taken into hospital yesterday......she fell out of bed & has two hair-line fractures to her pelvis she is 95.......the hospital assured us that it is not life threatening.......we are keeping our fingers crossed.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX have a good one...I had my 63rd a couple of weeks ago and had a lovely evening...with my family and of course my Daughter's God Daughter and her parents...she has helped me blow out the candles since she was 8 months old and getting better every year

Thank you Patsy & Sylvia.......glad you both liked the clematis......glad you are feeling a lot better now Patsy..........we went out for lunch today to our local pub they do a lovely was Max's birthday won't say how old he is but he won't see 70 again........he had more painting books & watercolour pads so no excuse for not painting. My shingles have completely gone now thank you Patsy but blood pressure a bit high doctor have increased my dosage. Will say goodnight & talk again soon. LOL Betty & Max xxx

Thank you Max. Clematis are lovely , this time of the year is wonderful *Everything coming up roses*.

Hi Max and Betty thank you very much what a beautiful bush lovely colours...I am now on the mend and feel well today hit me like a sledge hammer but I hear that you in the UK have it too I blame plane travel but it's just our time of year with the changable weather...again thenk you and stay away from people with sniffles goodness knows what it will turn into...hope your shingles are well gone now Betty LOL Patsy XXX