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Art Books, Magazines and Carry Cases.
Art Books, Magazines and Carry Cases.
I buy two Australian art magazines a month. I also borrow about eight art books a month from the local Ipswich library. The library has very large section devoted to all forms of art. I found a copy of Leisure Painter in an Australian Newsagent last Christmas and have not seen one for sale since. I assume that Leisure Painter sends a Christmas edition out through Australian stores.
I started painting in oils, which is my first love for painting, but some months later I changed over to acrylics. The main reason for painting in acrylics is the drying time. I do not have the space or time to dry oil paintings for six to twelve months on racks that take up a lot of space. I will come back to oils, but at the moment I am having heaps of fun and experience in the world of acrylics. I have just changed over from ‘students’ grade of acrylics to ‘artists’ grade acrylics with a price difference of some three hundred percent. The artists’ grade acrylic is ‘heavy’ to the brush, but will take all sorts of mediums and has a top ranking for not fading over time.
I pondered a hypothetical problem with the transport of oil paintings when wet. I have looked for some sort of carry case for wet artwork and have only seen one case that looks good. This case is only for sale in the USA, not much good for me in Australia. I do plan to buy one on my next visit to the USA! I asked the president of the Ipswich Arts Society if there was any brand of carry case for wet art work and he replied that all cases he had seen were all DIY.
When I buy or make a good carry case / unit, to carry wet paint, I will be back to painting in oils as well as acrylics.
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