Antique pub sign - antique artist

Antique pub sign - antique artist

Antique pub sign - antique artist

One of my pub signs was spotted in a house in the USA. An old lady died (not much fun for her I suppose) in Michigan and her relatives got in touch with the network HGTV programme over there called Cash and Cari (you may have heard of it) to sell her interesting belongings on air. Her researcher traced me to the antique sign that they found in their house. So she sent me an email. Turned out that it was the Blacksmith’s Arms and who do you think was the blacksmith in the painting? Yes, me (an antique – how very dare they?).. So I sent her lots of articles from mags and newspapers about me and the hated pub signs that I used to do. I received a call from the researcher lady the following day and she chatted on with me for ¾ of an hour. She asked if she could do a telephone interview with me when they had the sale so I suggested they try it on skype and then they could see what a good looking bloke I was. She got really excited about the idea. Next eve she called me on skype for a supposedly tester to see if it would work. The test ended up being the actual interview with all of the crew, the researcher and the Cari herself. They were a bit concerned that they had contacted me too late in the evening. “No” sez I. “In fact it has just turned drinking time!!” and there I was supping my rum/coconut rum mix and coke. Had a luverly interview and they were all wetting themselves laughing at my antics. It will air end of Feb or early March. Keep your eyes peeled for it. So at last I might end up being the famous pub sign artist that I have always dreaded that I might become – like that other wannabe artist, Hogarth. Ya can’t win can ya?
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