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Ankle-biters sapping time and energy....!
Ankle-biters sapping time and energy....!
I can see a lot of painting going on in our household over the next few will be of the big brush type....! So I will get the chance to try out a few of sons latest did I end up with a son who designs brushes...?At least I get to choose the colour..within reason...raspberry in the dining room last time was nearly rejected by the chief controller...! And the cause of all this...?Nine little darlings.despite feeding the best food available for a puppy,walls and skirting board come high up the list,next to chair legs and human ankles..! Needles to say time for art work is ,well minimal.Time to love,cuddle and teach the puppies....loads.Will normal life ever be resumed...? That depends on the ankle-biters....! Ouch go bite a chew toy...
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