Andy Walker's Blog

Andy Walker's Blog

Learning to Paint Lasts a Lifetime

Learning to paint takes a lifetime! I've learnt most through teaching others and writing art courses, which have made me really study the subject. I started painting when I was very small, and was encouraged by an aged aunt who herself was an artist. She gave me confidence that I could paint and draw, and I just grew up loving it. As time went by I worked as a missionary for a while, and was able to partially support myself by getting illustrations published. Later I moved into hand-painting with glazes onto ceramic tiles, and for several years made a living by taking commissions for tiled murals. I now paint in watercolours, acrylics and oils and have written and published courses in painting and drawing. You can find these at I have also taught a regular weekly art class for the past seven years and have run and taught various painting holidays.
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Hi Patsy, hello to you, too. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I've been scrambling through all sorts to get back here. Will go and have a look at your pictures.

Just the Henry Moore I once had a book of the drawings he made for his was mesmerising all round pencil work...I unfortunately lent it to someone big mistake never got it back...I don't know anything about web-sites so can't help just wanted to say hello

OK what are you up to now?

Hi Colin - thank you so much for your excellent advice - I'll now try to put it into practice. I went to your website and had a look at your pictures. I really like your recent oil paintings - Cut the Mustard, Horns of a dilemma. One of the things that's frustrating about this blog is not being able to put in links, but maybe that will change eventually. I'm really grateful though to have the opportunity to reach such a wide variety of practising artists. Thanks again for your help. If I'm ever in the Hastings area (quite probable) , I'll go and look at your pictures in the flesh.

It is a juggling act getting the right balance between showing your work off to its best and not giving too much away - apart from the copyight angle bigger pictures will take longer to display. I have pages of thumbnails about 8 to a page (300 x 200 pixels) which link to larger pictures 1 to page (750 x 500 pixels). The resolution should be 72 or 96 Dpi for the internet and if you have Photoshop or an equivalent (Serif Photoplus is a much more affordable substitute) it is worthwhile using the "Optimise for web" option to reduce the quality and save as a JPEG. You can drastically reduce the file size with a relatively small loss of quality - aim for around 15k for the thumbnails and under 50k for the big pictures. These will look good on the screen and pretty rubbish printed out! My website is and I've learnt the hard way! Colin Bailey