An outdoor nature painter's world

An outdoor nature painter's world

An outdoor nature painter's world

Thought it might be nice to share some of my outdoor photos, sketches & watercolour sketches from my neck of the woodsin Wales. I'm very inspired to draw & paint by the natural world & doing this surrounded by grass, fields, woods & birds all a twitter adds a vitality even when the work is quite rough. I started outdoor work using watercolour pencils at sites I loved in my home town in France where I lived for many years. Nature seems more abundant in France, the butterflies & wildflowers are so numerous & bigger than in the UK, you can't help but pick up a brush. It is also very beautiful & regenerating around here. Hopefully, this blog will encourage you too to rough it in the grass for the sake of art! Many thanks for reading my blog en tous cas!! Best of luck, The outdoor nature painter.
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Hi again Anni, Your blog is really charming. We used to play footsie in the study area back in the sixth form. It was a good giggle. Your footsie painting is fun. I have trouble getting my colours saturated with watercolour pencils. I have Smiths brand, bought for me by a friend who doesn't paint. Still I have fun. Like sharpening the pencils over the paper to give an impressionist feel.

Hello Anni what a beautiful home you have I live in Perth Western Australia and summer has had a gentle beginning thank goodness amended forecast for xmas day 29 instead of 39 so that's a relief as for Christmas panic panic panic but now the tree's up lights flashing, turkey ordered now only to be stuffed and cooked...use to do christmas pudding but have now given up on that, off to the cheesecake shop tomorrow..I like traditional and thank goodness for airconditioning I think when I get my new camera for xmas i'll take some summer flower pictures and post them there's some awful weather in UK at the moment...Merry Christmas and 2009 and hoping your xmas goes to plan.

Hi ~Anni Ok what are you doing? Your blog seems a little bit quiet, but so too was mine and I threatened to close it down after a fit of pique, wiping most of it off the face of the I started leaving comment in the blogs of others...hey presto the blog pages have ignited...but then I'm perhaps spending too much time here due to an adverse reaction to horse-fly bites on my painting rain,rain & 15C...I have the biggest crop of very large very green tomatoes in my history...