Allyson's Blog

Allyson's Blog

creating eco friendly artwork

I try to make all of my creative work as eco-friendly as possible, which means using art materials which are kind to the environment.
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In Summer???Plans painting...all bits ready...old clothes & pinny on...old socks [a tad risque bare feet & flying acrylic]...colours from his extensive colour-mix one darker & one lighter...a bit extra for the paint as if your life depends on it...oh the luxury of slow drying the moment...

Patsy - Tried to answer on the Forum. I don't have a problem with Atelier setting or any other make, as long as I use the stay wet pallette. It does get hot in my sun lounge that is where I paint. Probably stating the obvious? PS I use acrylic thickly too. Warm and sunny and quite hot in my sun lounge and as Phil says it is +11 !!!

Acrylic setting on the palette did happen once in July [cannot remember which year though]...thank you for your recent stroll through my gallery...your comments are much appreciated its a sunny +11 C....

Good luck with your art group Patsy. I hope they've got more life in them than mine have. Still, I didn't join for the social stimulation. It's a means to an end. I think that I've got enough drawings for the local gallery, so I'm going back to painting. I've got one more session with my flexible lady and then it's landscapes and seascapes with attitude. We get some real big mardy skies meeting grey angry seas and I am keen to get them onto canvas. Well it's 12.30am and I really should be going to bed. Work tomorrow. I don't know where the weekend went. It was there on Friday then all of a sudden I'm ironing a shirt for Monday! What's going on!?